Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Lawson on the (UK) Equality Act and Disability

Just out: Anna Lawson, Disability and Employment in the Equality Act 2010: Opportunities Seized, Lost and Generated, 40 Indus. L.J. 359 (2011).  The abstract:
This article critically evaluates employment-related changes made by the Equality Act 2010 from a disability perspective. It identifies opportunities to enhance disability equality which were seized as well as those which were missed. Where relevant, these are held up for scrutiny through the lens of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, by which the UK is now bound. Two respects in which the Equality Act may fall short of that Convention's demands are identified. In addition, the article draws attention to equality measures in the Act which are specific to disability. It is suggested that, by including these measures and highlighting their disability-specific application, the Act has generated fresh opportunities to open debate about whether such measures should be extended to other protected characteristics.

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