Thursday, August 24, 2006

Mor on Israeli Disability Welfare Law

New on Westlaw: Sagit Mor, Between Charity, Welfare, and Warfare: A Disability Legal Studies Analysis of Privilege and Neglect in Israeli Disability Policy, 18 Yale J.L. & Human. 63 (2006). From the introduction:

In this Article I show that people with disabilities in Israel are subjected to two interrelated systems of power, which mutually inform one another and together contribute to the overall marginalization and exclusion of all people with disabilities. One concerns the construction of difference between disabled and non-disabled people; the second is the division and fragmentation among three main categories of people with disabilities: disabled veterans, the work-injured, and the general population of people with disabilities. I argue that even veterans' disability is eventually understood as inferiority, and efforts to compensate for disability do not manifest acceptance of disability but rather its rejection and denial. My study of Israeli ableism focuses primarily on the site of social welfare policy, and is located in a specific era--the first decade after the establishment of the State of Israel. The importance of this decade in the history of Israeli disability policy is enormous, as it created the foundation for subsequent eras, and its vestiges informed future policies.

I've just skimmed this, but it looks exceptionally interesting.


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